Authorizes certain permittees to sell sealed, single-serving mixed drinks to go with food, which was previously authorized by the governor’s executive orders issued during the COVID-19 pandemic emergency.
- Allows distilleries and spirituous liquor special event permittees to sell two mixed drinks per person per calendar day, rather than one, at certain festivals and special events.
- Provides local ABC boards flexibility to open their ABC stores on New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day, but not Sundays.
- Authorizes ABC store gift cards and online orders.
- Increases spending limits on advertising by industry members.
- Reforms ABC permit issuance, by deeming temporary ABC permits permanent after 90 days and clarifying transitional ownership changes.
- Creates new ABC permits for malt beverage shops, mobile bar services, home maker special event permits, and bring your own bottle (BYOB) permits at adult entertainment businesses.
- Establishes distillery estate districts for land parcels with distilleries and multiple permittees under common ownership or control.
- Authorizes community colleges to sell beer and wine at stadiums and arenas.
- Prohibits draft line cleaning by wholesalers and industry members unless they are paid fair market value.
- Permanently allows 15-year-olds to work inside ABC-permitted establishments.
- Clarifies due dates and payment of excise taxes.
- Allows retailers to purchase liquor from any designated ABC store in the same county.
- Authorizes the Catawba Indian Tribe to self-govern their own ABC permits and ABC stores, as the Cherokee Indian Tribe currently does.
- Clarifies contiguous properties may be considered a single premises under certain circumstances.